Posts Tagged ‘lieberman


I Loathe Congresspeople

I do. When I see their puckered faces ripe with false indignation and staunch certitude, my blood pressure ticks a few points higher and I need a “calgon” moment.

Chris Dodd denied his efforts allowed the AIG fuckers to receive bonuses. David Vitter was traipsing around with women of the night whilst calling for Clinton’s removal from office. Diane Feinstien played patty-cake with W. over war funding because her husband is a defense contractor. Reid is a spineless, ineffective “leader” that just won’t go away – much like a canker sore. Lieberman – well, the reason for his position among the Capitol Hill jackasses is obvious. Spector is basing his EFCA vote on his 2010 poll numbers. McConnell wakes up on the wrong side of the decision-making bed every day. Chambliss has the ethical fiber of rice paper. I can’t even stand the senators from my own state – Cornyn and Hutchinson, who provided the lube as Bush dragged this country down a hellhole. I could go on and on.

Especially about House members, like Bachmann, who envisions a redneck autocracy (much like the one we were headed for under W.) as the perfect governmental establishment. Cantor aping outrage over AIG bonuses despite taking their campaign contributions. All the blowhards on the Financial Services Committee using their session with Tim Geithner for some pithy grandstanding. It’s sickening.

When I see Congresspeople giving interviews on the cable news channels, most of the time I see people issuing rote answers that don’t progress this country and don’t piss off their campaign contributors. The legislative branch has become an aider and abettor to the Corporatocracy of America with little to no consideration for the good of the people – only good of their reelection chances or ability to earn oodles in the private industry after whoring out all their favors on the Hill.

The vast majority of these people are as beneficial to the state of the union as a tapeworm. The quality of our government is in dire need of term limits, so we might have a chance of electing people who mean what they say – not simply spewing lies and ideology. And maybe then I won’t feel the need to hurl everytime I watch an interview with some lying bastard congressperson.


Surge Truth on Morning Joe

This morning, Joe Scarborough hosted Peter Galbraith, author of “Unintended Consequences: How War in Iraq Strengthened America’s Enemies.” After Joe asserted he believed the troop surge was the cause of reduced violence in Iraq, Galbraith answered the reduction in violence was more the result of the Sunni change in attitude. He did not mention the payoffs to the Sunni militias and their leaders by the American Government, but asserted that after Sunnis had become displeased with Al Qaeda activities, they turned their loyalties away from the terrorist organization.

I would like Sunni payoffs to receive greater acknowledgment by the mainstream media and politicians as a significant factor in the reduction of violence in Iraq. Such an admission would reduce the politicization of the troops and the surge by politicians, namely McCain, Lieberman and Graham.

You can click here, to watch the interview.

Previous blogs regarding the truth about the surge:

Decreased Violence in Iraq – More to do with Money than the Surge

Lieberman Using Surge Resolution for Shady Politics

Finally, Honesty About the Surge

Lieberman Continues Playing Politics with Our Troops

Update On Decrease In Violence In Iraq


Top Ten Anti-McCain Slogans III (McCain’s Fantasy Cabinet Included)

10. Lieberman: Old-man-creepy-pervy hasn’t been this out and about since before the Catholic priest scandal.

9. McCain & Palin Rallies: They’re actually Klan rallies new and improved for the 21st century! Sheets included next Tuesday!

8. Palin: Hypocrisy is an Olympic sport, don’tcha know?

7. McCain Campaign: If this Obama-is-a-terrorist thing doesn’t start working, maybe we can link him to the lead-in-toys-from-China debacle…

6. Palin: I just gotta remember, “Noun, verb, subject. Noun, verb, subject.” Repeat as necessary…or not so much, wink, nudge, nudge!

5. ReinMcCaination NecroBushia: McCain’s utilization of Bush’s old campaign to win an election at the exact same time everyone really, really hates Bush.

4. Palin: Loving American enough to secede from it.

3. If this election doesn’t come soon, Cindy McCain’s perma-smile is going to cause her face to shatter so violently, the entire space-time continuum will reverse and history will go backwards like when you press rewind on the VCR.

2. McCain makes being a democrat the latest thing to make white guys look cool since listening to rap music.

1. Hey Repubs, I hope shit tastes as good as it feels to serve it!

Bonus: I had so much fun coming up with McCain’s Fantasy Supreme Court, I decided I’d appoint his Cabinet members.

McCain’s Fantasy Cabinet (McCain’s own commentary included in parentheses):

  • Department of Agriculture: Toby Keith   (Toby Keith -> country -> land -> agriculture. yeah, yeah…)
  • Department of Commerce: Old Man Henley, Cindy McCain’s dad   (hey, anyone who can turn an amateur mob connection and a couple prison stints into a beer fortune can give me business advice any day.)
  • Department of Defense: Yosemite Sam   (heehee)
  • Department of Energy: Rush Limbaugh   (hell, he alone has enough hot air to make us energy independent tomorrow.)
  • Department of Health & Human Services: Dr. Kervorkian   (since we’re going to make it harder for people to get health care anyway…)
  • Department of Homeland Security: John Wayne   (sigh. i wished i looked cool in a cowboy hat, too.)
  • Department of Housing & Urban Development: Leona Helmsley   (that shit she said about only poor people paying taxes sure made me laugh and everyone knows i gotta kickass sense of humor, you little jerk Tom Brokaw)
  • Department of the Interior: (what’s this? a decorator for the White House? i don’t have time for this shit.)
  • Department of Justice: John Hagee   (i hear his god smites gay people with hurricanes and that’s good enough for me, goddammit sumofabitch.)
  • Department of Labor: Kunta Kinte   (gotta have a black guy in the Cab so’s everyone doesn’t think my attacks on Obama were racist and xenophobic. what does xenophobic mean again? i just read that word the other day when i was sittin’ on the john for a half hour. screw metamucil!)
  • Department of State: Sean Hannity   (“America is the best, greatest country god god has ever given man on the face of the Earth!” Fuckin’ A, dude! Who wants to shotgun a Coors?!)
  • Department of Transportation: The Little Engine That Could (that’s for you, joe sixpack, becky homecky, hockey pockey, and whoever else palin’s winkin’ at.)
  • Department of Treasury: Carly Fiorina (no, she blew it) Meg Whitman (no, too ugly) Warren Buffett (hell no, i was just kiddin’) Rex Tillerson (maybe) James Mulva (reminds me of a Seinfeld episode) John Thain (maybe…hmmm…who else have i been grabbin’ my ankles for…?)
  • Department of Veterans Affairs:  (i’ll just do this one myself. i mean, i know how to win wars and i know how to capture osama bin laden and i know the difference between a tactic and a strategy and i know everything in the whole wide world besides the internet, google, and email, so mcnasty will just handle this one himself, k, chief?)

And, in case you missed my previous anti-mccain slogans:

top ten anti-mccain slogan I

top ten anti-mccain funnies

top ten anti-mccain slogans II


Lieberman Continues Playing Politics with Our Troops

Alright, Liberals, time for that famous anger. And anyone who else who thinks that decisions regarding the military should be measured and reasoned.



As I’ve written before, the “success” of the Surge actually has more to do with the U.S. government paying of the Sunnis and new secret ops strategies than manpower. The added troops helped undoubtedly. When discussing a war, however, it is of grave importance to acknowledge and understand the entire picture – which we have yet to see from McCain, Lieberman, or their third butt-buddy, Lindsey Graham.

I’ve almost beaten it into the ground, but I’ll provide the links here:

Decreased Violence in Iraq and Finally, Honesty About the Surge

I love it when you talk dirty

Furthermore, I have previously written that Joe Lieberman is playing politics with our troops with his proposed legislation ” which expresses the sense of the Senate recognizing the strategic success of the troop surge in Iraq.” Earlier, Lieberman had defended this amendment by quoting General Petraeus, “‘Iraq is still viewed as the central front for al-Qaida.’ Let me repeat that: ‘Iraq is still viewed as the central front for al-Qaida,’ which is to say by al-Qaida. Not Afghanistan, Iraq; not Pakistan, Iraq.”

According to Think Progress, Lieberman introduced the amendment Sept. 10, S. Amdt. 5368 to S. 3001, which states, among other things:

(18) In 2007, General Petraeus described Iraq as “the central front of al Qaeda’s global campaign”.

(19) In 2008, as a consequence of the success of the surge, al Qaeda has been dealt what Director of Central Intelligence Michael Hayden assesses as a “near strategic defeat” in Iraq.

(21) As a consequence of the success of the surge, sectarian violence in Iraq has fallen dramatically and has been almost entirely eliminated.

(22) As a consequence of the success of the surge, overall insurgent attacks have fallen by approximately 80 percent since June 2007 and are at their lowest level since March 2004.

(24) As a consequence of the success of the surge, the Government of Iraq has made significant strides in advancing sectarian reconciliation and achieving political progress, including the passage of key benchmark legislation.

Now, if the amendment said, “As a consequence of the success of government payoffs to Sunnis, new special operations strategies and the surge…yada, yada, yada,” this amendment would would be truthful.

The problem with the amendment stems from a basic principle of logic. Correlation does not prove cause between two variables. The surge is a variable and decreased violence in Iraq is a variable. That the surge happened at the beginning stages of the decrease in violence means the surge correlates to the surge, but it does not mean the surge caused it. More in-depth study of the decrease in violence in Iraq will outline Sunni payoffs (Sunni Awakening) and special operations programs more as causal factors. I learned this basic principle of logic as part of my education at an evil liberal university. Apparently, Lieberman didn’t.

Somebody's gotta chip on their shoulder....

I will repeat my opinion of this amendment. By introducing this piece of legislation at this time, Lieberman is politicizing the war and politicizing our military and politicizing our troops. He merely wants the Senate to agree to this 25 percent-true amendment so that McCain has ammunition to fire at Obama should Obama avoid the vote, vote no or vote yes. They want to pigeon-hole Obama into agreeing to a typical Republican slant on reality. It is shameful and reprehensible.

You can email Joe Lieberman at to tell him your thoughts. I know I will. I haven’t decided if I’ll be incendiary or not… (NEVERMIND, I can’t get any of these email addresses to work… Still on the search for the right address!)

Furthermore, Lieberman is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. I know, it’s freaking crazy. If you’d like to sign the petition to have him removed, visit I’m proud to say I’m one of 53,050 signers, but hope many more will join the effort. I can’t imagine they’d let him stay after this ridiculous behavior.

And, Connecticut, I know…I know… We’re saddled with him until 2012. Can I just suggest that you please, please remove him from office when you get the chance? I mean, for the love of pete! I know this comes from a Texas resident – but I swear, I SWEAR, I have not voted for Kay Bailey Hutchison or John Cornyn (at least after the age of 20 – kay bailey’s been around a looooooooonnnggggg time).

Update: I decided to go ahead and go with slightly incendiary language. Here’s the email I sent Lieberman’s office (at least, I tried to send him and will continue to do so until I find the correct email!)

Lieberman –

Your amendment to acknowledge the success of the surge without acknowledging Sunni payoffs or the new military strategic operations strategy is misleading and partially false.

You are only introducing this amendment with Senator Graham as a tool to attack Senator Obama should he vote “no,” “yes,” or avoid the vote altogether.

It is shameful and reprehensible that you would use our military for your own petty political games. It is easy to see through this charade and you know it.

I gladly anticipate your removal from your Senate chairmanship for you have lost your honor and integrity. I have signed the Lieberman Must Go petition with pleasure.

I’m sure the minions in your Senate office won’t let you read this, but at least they will know that there are plenty of us out there who see through your lies and bullshit. We’ll be watching.

Shame on you,


Scarlet Letter of Atheism


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