Posts Tagged ‘arrested develoment


Palin’s Pencil Skirt Fetish

What the hell?? Has Palin never heard of pants?

Day in and day out she wears a black pencil skirt with a different blazer or sweater or jacket. She gets points for consistency, but come on! (Will Arnett in Arrested Development) Hopefully, it’s not actually the same skirt.

We all had hearty laughs about Clinton’s pantsuit collection that could clothe an island country in the South Pacific and yet Palin’s penchant for pencil skirts has gone unnoticed by humorists across all mediums. How sexist! How ageist! How prejudicial against women with cankles!

I am here to say that that shit is not right and make a stand. I don’t give a rat’s behind about her glasses and eighties hair. She’s going to drive the pencil skirt into the ground by making it the Palin-look. And I simply cannot have it. Pencil skirts are one of the few wardrobe choices I can trust during one of my “ugly” days. Now she’s going to ruin it. The side of me that is addicted to Project Runway is horrified.

Let my pencil skirt go!

UPDATE: 09.25.08 Palin is wearing plain black slacks today. Yay!!

Scarlet Letter of Atheism


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